Free Blogger Widgets 2020

Most Commented Posts Gadget for Blogger

The only working Blogger gadget that displays the Most Commented Posts from your blog. This tool can also show most commented entries from specific label.

Modern Popular Posts Blogspot Widget with thumbnails, excerpts and other interesting options

Most Commented Posts Blogger Widget
Showing most commented posts is a good method to encourage your visitors to read most popular content from your Blogger blog. Interesting posts usually are often commented on, and a lot of comments below an entry can be a sign that this is a high quality entry. Most Commented Posts Widget is like a ranking of top posts from your blogspot blog. With this widget you can display your hottest posts with their thumbnails, labels, excerpts and other inormations, like name of post's author, number of comments and publication date. In a very easy way you can set what and where you want to show. Thanks to this, your visitors will stay on your blog for longer time and will like it more. To add this gadget to your blog, set up it's options and appearance, and then click "Add to Blogger" button. Just remember that you must be logged in to your blogger account when you press the button.

New version of the widget

Note:This version of the widget is outdated and may not works properly. We recommend using a new, modern version that has many additional functionalities:

Most Commented Posts Blogger Widget's Settings:

Widget's title:
Number of posts: How many most commented posts should the widget display? Label: To display most commented posts from specific label, enter the name of the selected label, or leave the field blank to display most commented posts from all blog. Value "none" also select all posts from your blog.
Titles of posts: Select the alignment for post titles. Choose "none" if you don't want to show titles at all. Title size: px This field doesn't matter when "Titles of posts" is set to "none"
Title font: This field doesn't matter when "Titles of posts" is set to "none" Posts titles color: This field doesn't matter when "Titles of posts" is set to "none"
Font of text: Text color:
Text size: px Thumbnail: If you want to display a image thumbnail near the post, select where images should be placed ("left" or "right"). Select "none" if you want to show most commented posts without thumbnails.
Thumbnail size: px This field doesn't matter when "Thumbnail" is set to "none" Rounding the thumbnail: % This field doesn't matter when "Thumbnail" is set to "none"
No thumbnail: If You want to replace the image which will be displayed when one of your posts would not have it's own thumbnail, enter the url of your image to this field.
This field doesn't matter when "Thumbnail" is set to "none"
Post info: Select the alignment for the post information box. In the information box you can display author name, date of publication and number of comments. In the next fields you can check which of this informations you want to show in widget. Author: Select if the author name should be displayed in post information box. This field doesn't matter when "Post info" is set to "none"
Publication date: Select if the date of publication should be displayed in post information box. This field doesn't matter when "Post info" is set to "none" Number of comments: Select if the comment counter should be displayed in post information box. This field doesn't matter when "Post info" is set to "none"
Categories: Select the alignment for the pst labels. Excerpt length: chars If you don't want to display post excerpt at all, set this value to 0.
Show Widget Code
Widget Code:
Widget Code copied

Live preview: You can change the background of the preview to the same as it is on your blog to see how the widget will look on your site

Of course you can also show your most-commented posts on a static page of your blog or even in the post content. If you prefer to display it this way, click above on Show Widget Code (in the bottom right corner of widget's settings box) and copy the Widget Code that will appear. Then go to your Blogger Page or Post editor, turn it to the HTML mode and paste the Widget Code to content area in editor (exactly in the place where you want to show most commented posts from your website.


  1. This plugin is great! Thank you very much for it! :D

  2. Kaathy8.1.18

    I love this powerful widget :)

  3. Anonymous2.2.18

    Nice widget, thanks

  4. it works! This is what I have been looking for all this while....Thanks..

  5. Requested for a Blogger Widget:

    Most Rated Posts Gadget for Blogspot according to your Simple 5 Star Rating Widget


  6. Works great, thank you :-)

