Free Blogger Widgets 2020

Advanced Random Posts Widget for Blogger

This gadget can display randomly selected posts from your blog. You can choose if you want to show your random posts with thumbnails or without, and you can also set a lot of other options.

With thumbnails or without. Show random posts from specific label or from all blog.

Random Posts Blogger Widget 2019
If you have published a lot of posts on your blog, your readers can be hard to find some of older posts, which also could interest them. To make it easier for your visitors, you should install on your blogspot blog a Random Posts Widget, which will display at the sidebar randomly selected posts from your blog, including older ones. This blogger gadget can show random posts with thumbnails or without thumbnails, so you can choose which option fits better to your website. If you want, you can also show with this widget only random posts from specific label instead of all your entries. Decide whether you prefer to show posts with it's excerpts and whether you want to display labels and other info, like number of post's comments, date of publication and author's name. After setting what informations and in which place this widget should show, just click "Add to Blogger" button and Random Posts Gadget will be installed on your blog. You just need to be logged in to your Blogger account when you click the button.

A new, modern version of this widget

You can also use the newer version of this gadget for even more customization options and better performance. We've added all the extra features you asked for, such as loading posts from other blogs and more.

Random Posts Blogger Widget's Settings:

Widget's title:
Number of posts: How many random posts should the widget display? Label: To display random posts from specific label, enter the name of the selected label, or leave the field empty to display random posts from all blog. Value "none" also select all posts from your blog.
Titles of posts: Select the alignment for post titles. Choose "none" if you don't want to show titles at all. Title size: px This field doesn't matter when "Titles of posts" is set to "none"
Title font: This field doesn't matter when "Titles of posts" is set to "none" Posts titles color: This field doesn't matter when "Titles of posts" is set to "none"
Font of text: Text color:
Text size: px Thumbnail: If you want to display a image thumbnail near the post, select where images should be placed ("left" or "right"). Select "none" if you want to show random posts without thumbnails.
Thumbnail size: px This field doesn't matter when "Thumbnail" is set to "none" Rounding the thumbnail: % This field doesn't matter when "Thumbnail" is set to "none"
No thumbnail: If You want to replace the image which will be displayed when one of your posts would not have it's own thumbnail, enter the url of your image to this field.
This field doesn't matter when "Thumbnail" is set to "none"
Post info: Select the alignment for the post information box. In the information box you can display author name, date of publication and number of comments. In the next fields you can check which of this informations you want to show in widget. Author: Select if the author name should be displayed in post information box. This field doesn't matter when "Post info" is set to "none"
Publication date: Select if the date of publication should be displayed in post information box. This field doesn't matter when "Post info" is set to "none" Number of comments: Select if the comment counter should be displayed in post information box. This field doesn't matter when "Post info" is set to "none"
Categories: Select the alignment for the pst labels. Excerpt length: chars If you don't want to display post excerpt at all, set this value to 0.
Border style: Choose a border style to separate the displayed posts. Border width: px Border width. Set "0" if you don't want to display the border at all.
Show Widget Code
Widget Code:
Widget Code copied

Live preview: You can change the background of the preview to the same as it is on your blog to see how the widget will look on your site

You can also display random posts on the static page of your blog or even in the content of one of your posts, if you want. To do this, click above on Show Widget Code (in the bottom right corner of the widget's settings block), and copy the Widget Code that will appears. Next go to your Blogger Page or Post editor, turn on the HTML mode in editor, and paste the Widget Code in the place where you want to display your random posts ๐Ÿ˜„


  1. Anonymous20.12.17

    Super, it works perfectly :)

  2. Barnaba24.12.17

    I like this tool, thanks! It's very nice that every element can be set as you like.

  3. Kessere12.3.19

    Great widget, thanks dude !

  4. Anonymous19.3.19

    looks very good on my blog

  5. Anonymous26.4.19

    It's working perfectly, thank you so much!!

  6. thank u sir ...excelent widget for my blog

  7. amazing.
    please make more wedgets

  8. Hi. Can you add an option to make it horizontal?. Now one post is below the other. I would like a post next to another one. Sorry, my english is bad. thank you.

    1. Hi. Paste this just above the widget code:

      <style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbpwyloso{display:inline-block;width:150px;border-right:1px dotted black;}</style>

      You can change the "width:150px" to control the width of post container.

    2. It was working till now but suddenly it stopped working. Please do something.

    3. Remove it from your blog and reinstall it, it will definitely work

  9. Thank you!!!!! Works great!!!!

  10. Anonymous15.11.19

    The larger I make the thumbnail, the more pixelated the picture becomes. I tried the horizontal code and wanted it to be just the picture, but they become blurry the larger I make them. Any way to fix this?

    1. Unfortunately, there is no way to fix it, because this widget loads posts and their thumbnails from Blogger's rss feed, which only has 72x72 pixel thumbnails available, and if they are set to display as much larger, they can be stretched and pixelated.

  11. Hello! I've tried and it works fine on my blog in the computer but not on the mobile. Only shows title (Ramdom post) but not the post itself. Do you have any idea how to fix this? Thank You.

    1. Hello. What is your mobile operating system and what browser? I have only tried on chrome for android and it works fine but I have no way to test on all others

  12. hey! Thank you. it was great. Can you kindly tell me how to remove the dotted border or change the dotted border color?

    1. Add this style just above the widget code:


  13. Blogger plugins is best

  14. Hello,
    How to make HORIZONTAL random post with thumbnail ?

    1. Paste this just above the widget code:

      <style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbpwyloso{display:inline-block;width:150px;border-right:1px dotted black;}</style>

      To control the width of post container, you can change the "width:150px" property

    2. Ok thank you.
      I have added this to above widget code

      style pbprandompost{border-bottom:none} /style

      but the dots still appear. Do you have another way?

    3. Yes, add this just above the widget code:

      <style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbprandompost{border-bottom:none}</style>

  15. How do I change the width to match my overall look on the sidebar? Thank you!

    1. Paste this just above the widget code:

      <style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbpwyloso{width:150px}</style>

      and change the "150px" to any value you like

  16. Anonymous9.5.20

    well i put this one on my blog but some images are appeared and some not why happens this how i can do all the images to appear

    1. I checked it and the problem is in your blogger rss feed - it doesn't catch images for some posts, even though these posts have images, but unfortunately I have no idea why this is happening and how to fix it, sorry

  17. Hello! The widget is great! I used your code for removing the dots (style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbprandompost{border-bottom:none}</style) and it worked, except the one above the first post. Can you help me how to fix that? Or can you change the dots into this: _________ ? Or make the dots much smaller font? Thanks! :)

    1. Yes, to remove all dots, use this code:

      <style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix{border-top:none} #np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbprandompost{border-bottom:none}</style>

      To change the dots into line, use this:

      <style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix{border-top:1px solid black} #np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbprandompost{border-bottom:1px solid black}</style>

    2. Wow! Thank you so much! It works perfectly!

  18. Hi! Are you planning to make a "You may like this" widget? It would be similar to this. Just 1 random post (by label or not) with a big thumbnail (200x200). That would be great! ;)

    1. Here you are:

  19. Anonymous16.5.20

    Hello! The widget is working fine. Is it possible to change the font weight of the titles? It looks like its bold, but I would like thin letters. Thanks in advance!

    1. Yes, paste this line just above the widget code:


  20. How can I edit css style like dotted border to Solid

    1. You can add your own stylesheet just above the widget code. To change border paste this above the widget:

      <style>#np7v0szqx3qwpoaix pbprandompost{border-bottom:1px solid black}</style>

  21. Hello ProBlogger,
    I added the widget to my blog but it seems not to be working what could be the cause? Is there anything I did not do right

    1. You currently don't have this widget added on the page, so I can't check what's going on, but when I add it manually to your site through the console, it all works fine. Try to add it again and if it still doesn't work, let me know and leave the code on the page so that I can see what the problem is.

    2. Ok, it later worked "off and on" and also did not show thumbnail images, so I removed it. I will try it again and allow it for you to check how it is working. Thank you so much for promptly responding and trying to help. I appreciate!

    3. I have added it again, tried it and it did not show at all in laptop but it showed in my android phone though still with no thumbnail images.
      Please, just check it and see if it could be fixed.

    4. Yes, now I see what the problem is. Your template removes external scripts from the sidebar and blocks the widget from working. To fix this, you should go to your blogger HTML theme editor, find the following string and remove it from the template:

      o.sidebar.find('script').filter(function(index,script){return script.type.length===0||script.type.match(javaScriptMIMETypes)}).remove();

  22. ProBlogger you're a Correct Guy. I did what you asked me to do and it's no longer erractic in showing up both on laptop and android phones. One more problem: The thumbnail images are still not showing. If you can help me sort out the image stuff, you'd have given my website a great touch. Waiting for a favorable response. Thanks so much.

    1. Sorry, I tried to fix this but i can't find the reason why images are not loading from your blogger feed. I can not do anything about it :(

  23. This is a really great blog, thanks for the widgets. It works great on my site.

  24. Hello! This widget was working pretty well on my blog. yesterday I uploaded new entries and suddenly doesn't load anymore :(

    Is there any way to fix it?

    1. Yes, I improved it a little and added new possibilities. Remove the old version and reinstall it, it will definitely work.

    2. Thank you very much! :)

  25. Thank you very much. But can you teach me how to not display labels name?

    1. In the settings field you have the "Categories" option. Set this option to "none" and labels will not be displayed.

  26. how to hide the label to appear?

    1. Set the "Categories" option to "none" and labels will not be displayed.

  27. I want to put random posts from other blogspot not my own. Is it possible? How can I do that?

    1. This is not possible at the moment. To achieve this, the widget code would have to be heavily reworked. I don't have enough time for this at the moment, but maybe I will add this possibility in the future.

