Free Blogger Widgets 2020

Pagination Blogger Plugin

This plugin makes the numbered Page Navigation will appear at your blog and allow users to easily navigate between your older and newer posts.

How to add Page Navigation Widget to Blogger blog

Blogger Pagination Plugin
Adding the Numbered Page Navigation to Blogger blog will make it easier for the visitors to navigate between the newer and older posts. Thanks to this widget your readers will not have to click "Older posts" link many times when they want to see your even older posts, because they will be able to jump easily to page they want to see by one click on the selected page number in Pagination Blogger Widget. In addition to the fact that this gadget increases the functionality of your blogspot blog, it also gives it a nice and professional look. To install pagination plugin on your Blogger blog, set it's options and appearance below, and then simply click "Add to Blogger" button:

Blogger Pagination's Settings:

Pagination's color: Pagination's border radius: Button's color:
Hovered button's color:: Active page background: Text color:

Live preview:

1 2 3 4 5
Show Widget Code
Widget Code:
Widget Code copied
If you prefer, you can also install this Pagination Blogger Gadget Manually - to do this, click above on the Show Widget Code and copy Widget Code that appears. Next go to your Blogger dashboard and then to the "Layout" page. In any place click "Add a Gadget" button. From the list of gadget types, choose "HTML/JavaScript". Next paste the "Widget Code" you copied before to the content area in the widget's window. Leave the "Title" field blank and click "Save". Now Numbered Page Navigation Blogspot Gadget is added to your blog ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Terello26.3.18

    Its great plugin, i like that i can set pagination's look and other options as i want and install it without changing my blog template code. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous26.4.18

    cute navigation :-)

  3. Anonymous28.7.18

    Aapka blogger template kaun sa hai...

    1. I did this template myself

    2. The theme is really simple and Mobile Friendly...

      Could you please provide as a same type of Blogger theme by using your all types of Blogger Widgets...

      It will be really useful to us...

    3. What exactly do You mean?

    4. I meant that give us a simple Blogger theme which we can use on our blogger site.

      In your Blogger theme, all of your Blogger widgets will be presented.

    5. Ok, I will adapt my blogger template and share it

    6. Thank you so much...

      I am eagerly waiting...

  4. It's not being shown on my site:

    What code should I change???

    1. You have not installed this pagination on your site, you use the pagination that was built into your template. But when I tested my pagination with your website, it replaced the built-in pagination and everything worked fine.
      However, if after you add above code, it still does not work, leave the code pasted on your site and let me know so I can check what errors are appearing and fix it.

    2. Sorry for the late reply....

      I made a demo site by using the Blogger theme...

      And I also used your Pagination Widget...

      But it's still not showing...

      Please check it out here:

    3. Yes, there was a problem with pagination plugin on this page, but I have already corrected the errors and now it works properly. Sorry for the trouble

  5. This is fantastic! Thank you.

  6. Anonymous29.7.19

    Hi I changed my theme, and now the pagination isnt working, where as on simple theme it worked.

  7. Anonymous29.7.19

    it turned up, sorry for previous post. x

    1. yep its the best blogger friendly website I have ever seen! So efficient and helpful...bug free! Just awesome! Everything as you would want to....

  8. Muchas gracias chic@ me haz salvado de una, saludos!!!

  9. I want to change text background colour. How to do it

    1. Set the desired color in the "Pages background color" field.

  10. Thank you i am really greatful :)

  11. Hi,

    I have a template designed by someone else, it is not a default blogger template and this doesn't seem to be working. Please help.

    1. Hi, I'm not sure why it is not working, I would have to see your website. However, I think that your template does not contain an element with the id="blog-pager" and therefore this widget does not know where to locate the pagination. Try to enter your template editor and add a line under the posts loop (where you want to display pagination):

      <div id="blog-pager"></div>

  12. Thank you for this! Btw, can you teach how to make sticky sidebar like the one in this blog? Thank you in advance! I tried every tutorial available on the net yet couldn't achieve it :(

    1. Try adding a rule to your stylesheet:


      This simple css rule works for me, but I don't know if it will work for you because it depends on the layout of the blog and I would have to see it to help.

  13. Replies
    1. I check it and it works for me. Show your blog, I'll see why it doesn't work for you.

  14. You are really awesome. But I don't want the padding and box shadow in this widget. Please help me out. Thank you.

    1. Hi, add this style just above the widget code:

      .displaypageNum a, .showpage a, .pagecurrent{padding:0;box-shadow:none;}

  15. Unfortunately in mine did not appear, could you take a look? Hugs

    1. I tested on chrome and opera and it works fine on your site

  16. Anonymous5.12.20

    Hi, I have installed the pagination, but it is not showing on my blogger page. It was in, then I accidentally took it off. Now it is not working. is the page. best wishes, Katy

  17. Anonymous7.12.20

    Hi, It was a theme issue as on changing themes - it is now working!

  18. Anonymous25.2.21

    Hi, I have another ? please. I started a new blog in blogger. I did have the widgets in working - pagination, random post button and ratings. As soon as I put in the likes button, it knocked off the widgets, and now I can't get them to work. I changed themes and also cleared cache and cookies, but to no avail! What do I need to do please, to get it to work again? best wishes! my site is here I put a no right click on the site but can take it off it so you can look. Thank you!

  19. Anonymous25.2.21

    Hi, I got it to work again! It was my own fault! You need to have the settings set to for the whole feed to be turned on, then it works! Sorry for the bother!

    1. Yes, for many widgets you need to enable blog feed, I should write this because several people have had problems because of it. It's good that you handled it. Greetings.

  20. No longer works for me :( Anyone having issues?

    1. There was a problem hosting the widget but everything is fixed now. Just reinstall the widget and it will work properly. Sorry for the inconvenience. Greetings

