Free Blogger Widgets 2020

Advanced Tag Cloud Gadget for Blogger

A highly customizable list or cloud of all labels from your blog, which you can easily display on a static page, sidebar or anywhere else.

A highly customizable list of all blogspot labels

Blogger Tag Cloud
Although Blogger provides its own Label List Widget, you can only place it in the gadget sections. But what if your blog has so many tags that you would like to have a separate static page for them? It turns out that quite a few people wonder about it. That's why we decided to create a new, advanced tag cloud widget for Blogger, which also has many additional functionalities not available in the default Blogger gadget. For example, it allows your visitors to dynamically sort your labels alphabetically or by popularity. There is also an option to combine tags, i.e. you can select from the list as many labels as you want and search only for posts that are tagged with all of them.
Placing this Label Widget on your Blogger website is extremely simple - all you need to do is set everything according to your preferences below, check the live preview if you like the selected settings, then copy the generated code and paste it on your blog.


How to display the Labels Widget?
Tag combining:
If tag combining is enabled, a checkbox will be displayed for each tag. Thanks to this, the user will be able to select any number of tags, and then, after clicking the "Search" button, he will find all posts that are marked simultaneously with all selected tags.
Show counter:
Do you want to show a counter next to each label showing how many posts are tagged with it?
Choose the default sorting method for your tags.
The sorter is a field above the widget that allows users to dynamically change the way tags are sorted - by popularity or alphabetically.
Number of labels:
All Show all your labels
If you only want to display a selected number of the most popular tags (with the largest post count), you can set the number in this field.
Labels to show:
labels Show all labels
labels Show only selected labels
If you want the widget to show only labels you define, check "Selected labels" then click "Edit" to choose which labels from your blog to show.
Minimum posts per label:
Set the minimum number of posts per tag at which the tag will be displayed by the widget. Labels with fewer posts than the number set here will not be displayed. For value "1" the widget will show all your tags
Text size:
Set the text size
Text color:
Set the text color
How to align the widget?
Choose any color
Background color for labels
Border width:
The width of the border of each label.
Border color:
The border color of each label.
Border radius:
Rounding off each tag.
Tag icon:
Do you want to show tag icon before each tag name?
Here you can translate the text: "Sort".
Here you can translate the text: "Alphabetically".
By popularity:
Here you can translate the text: "By popularity".
Here you can translate the text: "Search".
Uncheck all:
Here you can translate the text: "Uncheck all".

Live preview:

Widget Code:
Widget Code copied
To display the tag cloud blogger widget on a static page of your blog, copy the Widget Code generated above, go to your blogspot's dashboard and create a new static page. Name it whatever you like, for example "Tags". In the top left corner of the page text editor, switch the mode to HTML view and paste the Widget Code. Click Publish and that's all - the Label List Gadget for Blogger has been added to your website :)
If you have any questions or problems - feel free to write in the comments.
Enter the names of the selected labels from your blog in the field below. Separate tags with commas. Remember that tag names are case sensitive.


  1. Anonymous28.12.20

    Hello. Your blog are super awesome! Is it okay if I make a request?
    Can you make a 'THANK YOU counter button' plugin? I think, it's kinda like your rating system but only count the number of button clicks.

    My blog has a lot of visitor but none of them likes to leave a comment to say thank you. So I thought, a button like this would definitely help bloggers feel more appreciated because the only thing visitor need to do to say thanks is click the button.

    1. Hi, good idea, thanks. I don't have much time lately, but when I have some time off I will think about it. For now, you can use the star rating system for that - just set the number of stars to 1, top text to empty string, and bottom text to something like "$votes$ likes" - then the widget will only show one star and the counter below it will display the number of clicks. Of course, instead of the star image, you can upload your own picture, which will be more appropriate, e.g. thumb up or any other.

